Pilatus PC-21 is an advanced single-engine trainer aircraft.It is manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland.This RC PC21 is built in a vacuum sandwich technology in FRP and CRP. It is built to strength but with the consideration of a maximum of 25kg takeoff weight.With a length of 3,3m and span of 2.68m and a flying weight of around 23 kg it is designed for experienced pilots. The PC-21 has excellent flight characteristics thanks to a solid and precise constructionWith its scale appearance including retracts, flaps and the 5-bladed prop, the PC-21 will no doubt impress at your flying field. The airplane is powered by a Kink Tech K60 TP Turbo Prop five blade engine.
It contains lots of detailed solutions for an easy build up. The access to the engine is very easy through a large hatch.
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