Model: Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 / F-18 Pilot: Marc Petrak Turbine: 2x JetCat P-180NX Event: ProWing 2019, Bad Sassendorf, Germany -
With the help of Navy AB1 Caleb Defreitas, an aviation machinist, Sripol solves a critical problem: how not to melt his airplane body. Defreitas considers the materials real planes use and suggests cheesecloth and aluminum foil for the Fun Size Foam-18.
“What’s your airframe made of again” Defreitas asks. “Foam and paper,” Sripol says. “Ohhh,” Defreitas says, “that’s definitely gonna melt.”Sripol introduces a full-on disposable oven pan, like you’d see at an outdoor banquet, which he doubles, lines with cheesecloth, and installs on the plane. The body may be foam, but the rest is surprisingly built to last, from the motor itself to the fully electrified and functional flaps and other gear. The next stop is a freshly mowed runway in a field.
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